Thursday, June 01, 2006

Korean Migrant Worker News -- Courtesy MWTV

As you can see by my volume of posts today, I'm finally back to regular posting and am trying to clear away a backlog of stuff that I've left by the way side while I moved. As most will probably know, it is really difficult to keep up to date with Korean social movement news in english because organizations switch sites frequently or loose steam and pass the job onto other groups. Years ago Base 21 was doing a great job, but eventually that too fell by the wayside, all its reporting lost, I guess, as the site now seems vacant.

Anyways, I just thought I'd mention the lovely job that Migrant Workers Television has been doing by broadcasting multilingual migrant worker (and some Korean) news each week. To top that off they reprint their scripts on their website ( Seems there has been lots of news to report recently, including some positive news on changes in the law around foreign victims of domestic violence. There is also the negative news of more harrasment against migrants on the job the tragic injuries of migrants fleeing immigration crackdoes. For these stories and more please click on the links for MWTV english for May. Click here for their 20th broadcast script and here for their 19th.

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